The Dirtiest Word in the American Language


The dirtiest word in the American language.

Damn you Puritans.

Your work ethic,

short on ethic

long on work,


rythym to thyme,

time to tomorrow.

Todays forever fearful filled with anything but…


Lists Lost; Lets List(en)

A few months ago, one of my dearest friends asked me,

"What would a day without a list look like for you? Have you ever even done that?!?!?"

There was no judgement or condescension in her voice, just true kinship, the kind that CAN say those things and not send you into a tail spin.

Today, while stacking rocks, I was struck that List is the root of Listen.
The word list has always felt incomplete, lacking. This makes sense. The nature of a list is completion, itself, delayed.

To live or die by the list.

How can we ever be asked to List-EN (IN) the moment when chasing the the high that completion brings.

The snake is catching its tale.


What Remains

Fractured limbs
Bear witness to
The countless hours
Spent dreaming,
Tied to earth
And you.

What remains,
Eternal in my heart,
For your silent witness
To childhood.

Spiritual Ganster

Light and dark.
Then and now.

History repeats its
lessons when
blinded by self
we fight for ego
rather than truth.

Self compassion
the antithesis of ego.

Got my mind on this moment
Got this moment on my mind.
Gangster is against the grain
Gangster is grit and grime

Spiritual is not just Sundays.
Spiritual is life, grit and grime
Against the grain.
Got my mind on this moment.
Got this moment on my mind.

Peace Portraits: Grounded 


Sea Peace Mountains

Just for today,

  • I will not worry
  • I will not be angry 
  • I will do my work honestly 
  • I will give thanks for my many blessings
  • I will be kind to my neighbors and all living things